Wednesday 10 April 2013

G321: Props


In our opening scene there will be two different locations; a living room and a bedroom. We are adding in and taking away some of the existing items in each of these settings to make it fit our piece better. However we will not be using all of these props. These are the props that may appear in each of the two scenes:

Toy Truck

The toy truck is going to be used (played with) by our main character, Ethan (the boy). The camera is going to be focused on to the truck with Ethan’s hand holding it before tilting up to Ethan himself. As this is a fairly big focus in the opening sequence, it will be used in the first scene only.

Toy Box

The toy box will be a background item, possibly being used by other children in the room with Ethan. It will be shown while a pan of the room occurs, eventually reaching Ethan and his toy truck. We may not use this prop in the final cut as it is a fairly big item and therefore may take away some of the focus from Ethan, the main character.

Family photograph (on its own)

This photo will not be in a frame and will be held by Ethan's mother (Victoria/Viki) while she is watching him play with the toy truck (as mentioned earlier). The camera will be focused on the picture with a close up while it is in her hands. As we already have another picture of the family in the opening sequence, we may not use this prop.

Glass of water

This will merely be a background prop simply to help to bring out the scene as being a family home. It will also be used so the actor can interact with the environment easier. We may not use this prop however because it will not bring much to the scene.


There will be a black and white (zebra print) rug placed around the middle of the room on the wooden floor. The toy box will possibly be placed on top of it. This is a prop that we will definitely use as it is something that one of our group already possess, therefore making it easier for us to get hold of. It will help to create a more 'homely' look.


There will be two black sofas around the edge of the room. They will most likely be pointed to towards a television. These two sofas will both be used as they represent Ethan feelings. We will most likely move them around to fit better to the scene that we have planned.


There will be a television possibly in the corner of the room. While the television will be moved around the room to help us set up the scene, it may not necessarily appear in the shot(s).

Picture Frame and Picture

There will be a picture frame with a picture of Ethan's family in it. These objects will become a point of interest to the Ethan character and there are multiple shots of him interacting with these two items.

By Jack

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