Saturday 30 March 2013

G321: E.T.H.A.N Audition Script

This is our audition script and it differs from our normal script in some ways because we wanted to see the range that actors could do for us and how well they could be directed when on camera.  


 (Audition Copy)

(Ethan and Tom Audition)

EXT: Ethan outside in the garden playing by himself, sees something move in the bushes, he enters into the woods at the back of his garden to feed his curiosity he then sees Tom his brother; Tom is Ethan’s dead brother who was a little over two years older than him, he looks a little bit taller and more wise but still in the age range; speaking to his dead brother for the first time, Ethan doesn’t really understand what is going on due to his age but is still in some surprise and happiness.


Tom? Where have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere for you, mum won’t tell me where you’ve gone


I’ve been busy Eth


Oh (pauses) Mum’s been crying, this doctor person has been making mum cry (pause) have I done something wrong?


(long pause) Tell her it’s ok, tell her I’m happy, tell her (pause) I miss her and you


Are you coming back?


I never went anywhere Eth


(Pause) Tom?




Do you wanna play?



EXT: Both Tom and Ethan exit playing catch

(Doctor Michael Staines Audition)

INT: Ethan sat on floor with a box of toys whilst playing with one of the toys. A voice over of Doctor Michael Staines speaking to Victoria. Doctor Staines is breaking the news to Victoria that her child has developed a new psychological disease that is being researched into.

Michael Staines

Miss Hilling would you like to take a seat?

Victoria Hilling

No I am fine thank you

Michael Staines

Right well from our analysis of Ethan, we are afraid to tell you that he has contracted a new form of Schizophrenia called Erythrocyte Transmitting Hydrogen disorder also known as E.T.H, at the moment we are unaware of exactly the problem but we know it is purely psychological, we will be doing everything we can to try and help Ethan and find the cause of the problem.

Victoria Hilling

(Pause) Right

Michael Staines

Miss Hilling we are aware of everything you are going through at the moment but we do severely suggest that you do not tell Ethan about this and visit us every Thursday. Thank you.

(Vicky Audition)

INT: Vicky is going about her daily business and upset while her voiceover plays in the background about what her life used to be like and how it has changed.

Victoria Hilling

(Victoria is speaking to the audience in a voiceover about her life, she is extremely upset and angry, with many pauses and hesitations)
It never used to be like this you know. All this torment, frustration and rage, this never used to be here, back then, we had it all. The perfect family. Perfect house. Perfect everything. Then the cruel fate of God has to stick his nose in and fuck everything up. I mean why me?! I attend church, pray every night, do everything the fucking lord asks of me, yet somehow it is not good enough for him. (pause) He has to come and take everything of mine! And if that was not good enough, he now has to punish the only son I have left. If there is a God, I’m not sure if I even believe now (pause) but if so. I have one thing to say to you… fuck you

By Dan

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