Friday 29 March 2013

G321: E.T.H.A.N Script



Scene 1

INT: Ethan sat on floor with a box of toys whilst playing with one of the toys. A voiceover of Doctor Michael Staines speaking to Victoria. Doctor Staines is breaking the news to Victoria that her child has developed a new psychological disease that is being researched into.

Michael Staines

Miss Hilling would you like to take a seat?

Victoria Hilling

No I am fine thank you

Michael Staines

(Slow paced talking, quite hesitant to tell the news)

Right well from our analysis of Ethan, we are afraid to tell you that he has contracted a new form of Schizophrenia called Erythrocyte Transmitting Hydrogen disorder also known as E.T.H, at the moment we are unaware of exactly the problem but we know it is purely psychological, we will be doing everything we can to try and help Ethan and find the cause of the problem.

Victoria Hilling

(Pause) Right

Michael Staines

Miss Hilling we are aware of everything you are going through at the moment but we do severely suggest that you do not tell Ethan about this and visit us every Thursday. Thank you.

Scene 2

INT: Vicky is sat at the side of her bed in tears when Ethan walks into the door way, she reframes from crying because she must be strong for Ethan.

Victoria Hilling

(Gesturing for a hug, Vicky desperately wants her son to reach out to her, under her breath she tries to mutter)

Come here Eth

INT: Ethan in doorway turns and walks away and Vicky continues to cry

Scene 3

INT: Ethan sees a family picture and starts to hear memories of him playing with Tom his brother


Come on Eth, we gotta go catch the giant


No the pirates are attacking, we must defend our castle


Watch out for the Dragon!


Tom, I’m hit, you must go on without me!


A good soldier never leaves a man behind!

INT: Laughter of them in the memory begins to fade and he is drawn back to reality and the photo

INT: More memories of the past pops into Ethan’s head as he stares at the photo


Ethan, (Pause) help me

Victoria Hilling

(Screaming) TOM NOOOOO!

INT: The scream of Ethan’s Vicky echoes into reality where Ethan is screaming while he throws the family photo in rage



(Throws picture)
By Dan

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