Wednesday 6 March 2013

G321: Why We Choose our Title

The title to our film is E.T.H.A.N, we chose this title because it stands for the name of the disease we have for our main character in our piece, the disease is Erythrocyte Transmitting Hydrogen Amylaise Nearosis which means in medical terms that there is too much hydrogen in the blood with is being passed to the brain thus shutting down certain parts of the brain, in this chase Ethans emotions and feelings causing him to be neurotic. This title is great for our piece because it is used and also linked into our actual storyline, so the title does not give away anything about the film but adds some mystery to it. Also it is medically correct and there is nothing like it before so it is a new disease so it is acurate to actual life, making the audience believe our piece is correct and able to happen, so to an active audience they may believe the film more because they understand that our disease is acurate.

By Dan

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