Wednesday 13 February 2013

G321: Why we chose the genre and Generic Conventions

The genre we have chosen is Psychological Thriller because it generally focuses on the unstable emotional states of characters and we thought this was good as we had a great idea on what we were going to make off of this genre in combination with mystery and thriller. We chose this genre mainly because we had a good idea and wanted to build upon it with this genre because psychological thrillers tend to include something that is mentally wrong with a person and our idea fits in with that.

Generic conventions typically found in a psychological thriller:

Mise-en-scene: usually set in a isolated area, dark/mysterious mood surrounding the characters. usually a weapon is used either for threat or use.

Characters: There are normally two main characters in a thriller. The heroes are often men and the villains are also typically men who are creepy and weird. In psychological thrillers they are quite intelligent and think about original ways of taunting victims.

Themes: Normally based around the mind set of someone, for example something mentally wrong with them and seem to be isolated. There also seems to be a scene that makes the audience feel uneasy. Normally shown from the victims point of view so you can see and feel what they are going through. Make the audience feel uncomfortable and concerned. Try and fit the film around common fears.

Music: Eerie sounds, chilling effects. Climax normally and and a low beat when it hits the climax this can have connotations of a heartbeat.

These are the opening titles to the psychological thriller "Se7en", from this I can see that lots of the generic conventions you would expect to see in this are in there, this is what we will take into consideration when we make our film opening.

By Connor

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