Thursday 28 February 2013

G321 - Questionnaire Answers

We gave out a questionnaire to to a mixture of people to get some information on our target audience. These are the result we have collected back:

Audience Questionnaire - Results

1.      What is your age? Answer
16 (x3)

17 (x3)

53 (x2)

36 (x2)

2.      What is your gender? Circle

Male (x5)

Female (x5)

3.      Do you like psychological thrillers? Circle

Yes (x10)

No (x0)

4.      Why/why not? Answer

  •          They interest me.
  •          Because YOLO.
  •          Because they are fun.
  •          Because they are interesting and I like having to actually think about the film.
  •          Because they are educational.
  •          Because they make you think, it’s not just spoon fed.
  •          Because they are interesting, make you think.

5.      Can you name a psychological thriller? Answer

·         Shutter Island

·         Inception

·         Prometheus (x3)

·         The Usual Suspects

·         6th Sense (x3)

·         The Hole, Panic Button and Saw

6.      Do you know of/or like any of the following psychological thrillers? Tick Boxes

·         The Butterfly Effect – x3                                

·         Inception – x8

·         The Usual Suspects – x1

·         Identity – x1

·         Shutter Island – x7

·         Se7en – x7

·         Fight Club – x4

·         Memento – x4

·         Silence of the Lambs – x3

·         Don’t know any – x0
By Connor and Jack

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