Friday 8 February 2013

G321: How we Made our Remake

While making our remake we had to search for locations for our piece, we were preferably looking for places that had a kind of damp looking floor which we is what it looks like in Momento. These are some of the choices that we had in mind:
This would work well for the flooring as it gives of the damp floor impression seen in the opening of Momento. However we did not end up going with this choice as we felt that the space was too open and we could not the effect of the blood dripping down the wall very well in there.

This would again work well with the flooring and the dripping blood effect worked very well in this room. However, unlike the other room, we felt that this space may be slightly too enclosed as the room equipment kept on getting in the way and sometimes made it very hard to shoot (espially with the high angle shot of the dead man on the floor).
We thought the layout of the room helped to give us the right amount of space needed for the remake. However the lighting in the room did not work well and we could not get the 'dim' effect that we needed.

This room did not work very well for most of the remake as it did not allow us to create the grimy feel that the opening of the film had (being that it was in a dark damp room). It also had barely any space to film it in.

Eventually we decided to go with location 2#  (below) because we realised that since the opening of the film was in a fairly enclosed space, this would work very well. It also allowed us to create a grimy feel similar to opening scene location. It was also the only room that would allow for a good dripping effect which was vital for the remake.

By Dan and Jack

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