Saturday 9 February 2013

G321: Our Remake

This is our remake of the film Momento, we choose to do this because we had an idea to do a thriller for our final piece and creating this remake gave us information onto generic conventions used such as a weapon and blood and also what kind of shots are used in that type of film.

Shots used

There were many close up shots used from the very beginning. The first shot used was close up of the phone (replacement for the picture). This shot did not change until 1:13 as the shot in the original film lasted a verly long time.

The second shot used was a tracking shot of the phone moving up to Daniels head, which then changes to a cut away of him putting the phone in his jacket pocket and then ends on a close up of his face. This shot was from 1:13 - 1:27.
. By Dan and Jack

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